Spirulina Powder
Spirulina is a fresh water green microalgae. Its name is derived from its spiral-like shape. One of the most nourishing superfoods known, it contains a host of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. As a source of high quality, easily digestible vegetarian protein, spirulina offers all essential amino acids along with a unique fatty acids known as GLA or gamma linolenic acid, a unique compound found in mother's milk. Its vibrant green color is due to the concentration of chlorophyll and the antioxidant phycocyanin. It has been traditionally used to promote alkalinity and detoxification, particularly for heavy metal detox.
-Arthrospira platensis-
Organic Nutrition From Around The World
At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense superfoods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These superfoods are versatile. Incorporated them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choices for a better you and a better planet.
Порошок из органической спирулины.
Аллергены. Упаковано на предприятии, где присутствуют следующие аллергены: древесные орехи, кунжут.
Закон штата Калифорния 65: Употребление этого продукта может подвергнуть вас воздействию химических веществ, включая кадмий, который, по данным штата Калифорния, может вызвать врожденные дефекты или другой вред репродуктивной системе.
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