Stress Support Action Plan
Stress kills. Many unhealthy conditions, including overeating, smoking, anxiety, memory problems and sleeplessness are just some of the body's responses to stress recent surveys showed 70-90% of people feel stressed at work and in their personal lives. It's impossible to banish stress completely; the key is knowing how to manage and reduce it.
Physical Activity
Complementary Therapies
Do's and Don'ts
Measure Your Progress - Be aware of how you respond to stress and actively concentrate on strategies for success. Laughing, sharing, helping others and enjoying a variety of activities are all the tangible, positive results of keeping stress in check and protecting your health.
Providing the highest concentration of L-Theanine, scientific studies have shown Suntheanine in StressAssist® stimulates normal alpha brain wave activity for deep relaxation and mental alertness without drowsiness. Sensoril is a patented, multi-functional stress inhibitor that increases resistance to stress, fatigue, and tension.
Suntheanine® provides the amino acid L-theanine in a unique, pure-patented form that is produced through an enzymatic fermentation process that stereoselectively only produces the L-isomer. The concentration of L-Theanine in Suntheanine® is a minimum of 98%. Suntheanine® crosses the blood-brain barrier, stimulating the normal, healthy production of alpha brain waves, which produces a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness, without drowsiness.
Extracted from Ashwagandha utilizing a proprietary extraction process, Sensoril contains all the desired bioactive ingredients in optimized concentrations and ratios. A multi-functional stress inhibitor, research has shown that Sensoril® helps increase resistance to fatigue, stress and tension, while helping promote emotional well-being.
StressAssist® provides a full spectrum of essential B vitamins, which help support adrenal function, calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and help the body adapt to stress by increasing alertness and vitality. Zinc, an essential trace element, is added for antioxidant and immune support, along with the adaptogenic herbs Eleuthero root and Rhodiola rosea. Whole, unextracted Ashwagandha root provides all the natural co-factors that nature created.
StressAssist® is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAccelerators™. Clinically-proven BioPerine (piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract, Trikatu, super-potenct Digezyme and Lactospore boosts digestion and absorption.
L-Theanine is a unique Amino Acid responsible for the exotic taste of green tea. Theanine acts on neurotransmitters in the brain and dosages of 50-200 mg. have demonstrated relaxation while maintaining mental alertness.
Модифицированная целлюлоза (вегетарианская капсула), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, стеариновая кислота, растительный стеарат, масло перечной мяты.
StressAssist - вдохновение от природы. Этот 100% вегетарианский продукт содержит ароматическую растительную эссенцию, а также, наряду с натуральными кофакторами цельного растения, включая корень ашваганды. Стеклянная упаковка продлевает естественную свежесть продукта и помогает сохранить его эффективность.
Не содержит добавленных дрожжей, сахара, соли, крахмала, пшеницы, глютен, сои, молочных продуктов, искусственных красителей и консервантов.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом, прежде чем принимать Л-теанин, если вы принимаете какие-либо рецептурные лекарства, или перед тем, как давать препарат детям. Не принимать при беременности и лактации.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
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