Key Benefits and Actions
Do you need a prenatal supplement without an overload of excess nutrients?
Are you a pregnant mother already eating a healthy, well-balanced diet?
Are you looking for an affordable prenatal that is also high-quality and formulated based upon research?
Prenatal Essentials is a targeted prenatal vitamin formula that provides just the essential vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy baby in an easy 2 capsule dose. It is designed for women who seek a prenatal vitamin that is affordable and utilizes well-tolerated and active forms of nutrients without an overload of nutrition. If you are looking for a formula that has none of the excess and all of the foundational nutrients, then this is perfect for you (men can take it too!)!
Prenatal Essentials is a synergistic prenatal vitamin that helps the body to grow and develop a healthy fetus. Its bioavailable vitamins and minerals support:
You can feel confident taking this research-backed prenatal formula designed to support a number of different genetic variations and contribute to the development of a healthy, beautiful baby. Prenatal Essentials contains nutrients that support MTHFR, BC01, and GST/GPX variations, as well as many other enzymes crucial for cell division, pregnancy, and healthy fertility.
The following benefits of these key nutrients make this the perfect prenatal multivitamin for you:
We understand that it can be confusing and nerve-racking to find a high-quality prenatal that is also affordable. This is why Dr. Ben Lynch designed Prenatal Essentials. Get ready to feel energized and comfortable throughout your day, so you can have time for what you need most: a healthy pregnancy and baby. You can feel confident knowing that you have a doctor-formulated and research-backed prenatal that is the result of endless hours of research into critical prenatal and biochemical pathways. Prenatal Essentials delivers what you want most: the foundation for a beautiful, healthy, and joyful baby.
Вегетарианская капсула (гипромеллоза и вода), аскорбил пальмитат, L-лейцин, и диоксид кремния.
Не содержит: Молоко, яйца, рыбу, моллюски, древесные орехи, арахис, пшеница, соя, ГМО, глютен, искусственные красители, искусственных ароматизаторов.
Детям, беременным и кормящим женщинам следует проконсультироваться с врачом перед применением. Не использовать, если защитная пленка повреждена.
Избегайте аллергии на какой-либо ингредиент. Не превышайте суточную норму потребления RAE 1500 мкг преформированного витамина А (ретинола или ретиниловых форм). Если вы принимаете препараты, разжижающие кровь, оцените общее потребление витамина К с пищей и добавками.
Хранение: Хранить в закрытом виде в сухом и прохладном месте, недоступном для детей.
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